The Superstar Approach to Business Expansion
The Superstar Approach to Business Expansion
The Superstar-Growth Strategy of the United States' Quickest-Expanding Businesses!
Submitted by Chet Holmes
Learning how to discover an army of top producers to build your business is a strategy that has propelled even the smallest of firms into a phase of rapid expansion, and it is one that you should consider using.
You may hire a sales team that will propel your company's growth in ways you could never have anticipated (one company that followed this advice grew by 500% in just two years). This is true regardless of the size of your company.
It doesn't matter how big your company is; you're probably employing the incorrect salesmen because of the criteria you're using. How can you entice exceptional individuals to work for your company?
How to find out their shortcomings before you hire them (most businesses have to engage a salesperson to find out all the problems they are going to have; this will show you how to get rid of the lightweights in just five minutes).
Where do you stand? How do you compare to other top producers in terms of someone who has a "natural" aptitude to grow their business?
One-person armies that were having trouble making ends meet have discovered how to rethink their business model to incorporate additional sales employees, and all of a sudden they are sold out.
Companies with annual revenue in the billions of dollars need to comprehend the one-of-a-kind psychological profile of top producers and the rationale behind why they should hire based on psychological profile rather than background.
The kind of individual I have in mind is the kind who, despite being placed in a challenging environment where they have limited access to useful tools, inadequate instruction, and scanty resources, can yet begin to outsell your most successful salesmen or expand your business in ways that you could never have imagined were feasible.
Empathy and self-esteem (also known as a robust sense of self) are the two qualities that are essential to the success of a superstar, and they complement one another beautifully when they are present. Empathy is a quality that is necessary for top producers, as they need to be able to connect with others and find something likable about everyone. When searching for a salesperson, this is a fantastic quality to look for. They never stop trying new approaches to the client in the hopes of finding more and more ways to fulfill the client's needs and satisfy their gratification needs. Because empathy is such an important quality, one of the components of the interview process should be tailored to identify candidates who have this quality.
People who have extraordinarily high levels of self-esteem are much more likely to have successful careers in sales. This is a well-established fact. Someone who does not have a healthy amount of self-esteem would never barrel into a customer eight times after the customer has already said no. People who have low self-esteem can't take more than one rejection before giving up. People who have low self-esteem tend to avoid closing sales because they are afraid of being rejected.
According to studies, nearly half of salespeople abandon after experiencing just one unsuccessful sale. Only 4% of people will attempt it more than four times. However, in the modern era, it takes 8.4 failures before one is offered a meeting. And the difference between someone who will face that rejection once and quit and someone who will face that rejection forty times and never quit is all personal (self-worth).
Training methods that accomplish that goal can be found on the website However, you may hire someone who is already formed that way without ever having to ask them or coach them. These individuals will have a great deal more enthusiasm for the completion of the sale.
Personal aspiration is yet another component of healthy levels of self-esteem. You must adore it when you hire someone who not only completes the tasks you give them but also improves upon them, expands on them, and comes up with new ideas. Because of their high self-esteem and strong need to find approval from others, individuals like this may come across as overly eager to find employment. Perhaps you've come on a little too strong. Do not be turned off by a little bit of bravado; it is a necessary quality in every celebrity. Bravado is an essential ingredient.
Because the person being interviewed is the product, that individual needs to exude confidence and convince you that they are the best candidate for the job. Although some companies may be put off by such pushy behavior, having someone with such traits in their sales staff is essential.
Guidelines to Follow When Recruiting Superstars
To begin, one's age and family history do not have any bearing on this. I've employed people aged 24 who have outsold veterans with 20 years of experience. A visit to a stereo shop yielded one of the most exciting discoveries of my life. There was a fantastic salesperson in front of me who, if I hadn't noticed certain characteristics he possessed, might never have become the billionaire I assisted him in becoming. Another lucky find was a salesperson in a clothes store who was trying to convince me to buy a sweater from them.
I whisked her away from that environment immediately, and she eventually wound up managing three departments at a business that I ran. I recently came across a man who is 70 years old yet has the best talents I have ever witnessed for convincing high-level executives to talk to him on the phone. In addition to that, he has experience working as a line producer on feature films. Don't worry about their ages or their backgrounds.
Second, you have to craft your advertisement in a way that will entice this elusive animal. My advertisements start off like this:
SUPERSTARS ONLY: Don't even bother calling unless you can demonstrate that you are a high achiever in your field.
The advertisement does not ask for a résumé. The very first thing that we do is check and see who is calling us on the phone. One of the best ways to evaluate a leading manufacturer is as follows: Set up a quick interview with each of your potential prospects to last ten minutes. Tell them that "we talk to candidates for ten minutes to determine if we want to interview them." This will help them decide whether or not to interview you.
Whenever I am screening calls, I always begin by apologizing for being abrupt and direct, noting that I am sometimes inundated with responses. I then proceed to ask the caller, "Tell me why you think you're a superstar." After that, I will purposefully act in a manner that is unimpressed and a little harsh. I ignore them very quickly, even if I manage to threaten them over the phone. A high performer will not allow themselves to be intimidated. What gives you reason to believe that they will ever be able to talk their way into a client if they can't even talk their way into an interview? Get rid of people straight away who have low self-esteem if you want to save yourself a lot of trouble in the long run.
In too many cases, you conduct interviews with potential employees in the same pleasant manner in which you live your life, and this provides the candidates with the opportunity to be pleasant as well. Then you hire them, only to discover six months later that they are unable to make a transaction and avoid the truly significant sales out of fear (low self-esteem). You can get an early indication of how well someone can deal with disappointment by using the method described above. Everyone will save a significant amount of time, and you will save a significant amount of money.
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