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Free Event Promotion: What's That?

Free Event Promotion: What's That?

As a newbie to event organizing, with no money and no marketing professional at her beck and call, where should she begin? "The trade magazines are a great place to promote your event," said Jo.

You may obtain some of the greatest advertising for your event or business in the form of editorials. You may have observed that stories describing corporations and their operations are often accompanied by advertising for similar enterprises in print media such as trade journals, magazines, and newspapers. Because advertising pays for the majority of print media, articles like this one benefit both the writer and the reader. It's more probable that a story about your workshop or roadshow will be printed if the subject matter is controversial, intriguing, or popular. However, you have limited influence over the timing. The piece may be published at any time and is more likely to be influenced by space than by your deadline.

You may just need to pick up the phone and chat to the editorial staff of the magazines you want to write for in order to have an article published. They may send someone to interview you and your coworkers if they think you can persuade them. Once the piece is written, it will be printed without further reference.

Public Announcements

To attract the attention of news or business programs on television and radio, you may need to get in touch with a large number of newspapers to let them know about your event. It's important to send out a press release that defines the purpose of the event, who the target audience is, and the specifics of the location and date.

A press release should be written and distributed in a certain manner. If possible, quotations from particular people should be included in the introduction. It should be written in the third person (he, she, it, and they), contain an initial paragraph that describes the complete tale, and be no more than a single page long. To minimize embarrassment, make sure the people being quoted are willing to be cited in print, and use clear language wherever feasible. Ending the press release with a phone number or email address for more information should be standard practice.

A well-written press release may be turned into a 750-word piece by a skilled writer who makes no mention of the firm or its products. Several pages in certain trade periodicals are devoted to a calendar of industry-specific occasions. At the very least, your press release will increase your chances of making the rankings.

Making a press release and sending it out through email or uploading it to your website is only the beginning of your marketing campaign. Do your best to get your name in front of the queue by making as many phone calls as feasible.

Jo was astonished at how simple it was to put out a press release by soliciting input from all of the people involved in the event's planning and execution. When she'd finished compiling the information, she sent copies to every relevant publication—from trade journals to daily newspapers—as well as to local radio stations. Incredibly, local and national media outlets took up the story, and one television production firm has already signed them up for a documentary program about their experience. After Jo assumed no one would be interested in their event, the publicity appeared to take on a life of its own, and they quickly rescheduled to satisfy demand.

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